
The Birth of the King (Matthew 1)

We long to be a part of a community. The greatest community that has ever been known was established through the birth of a King. In Matthew 1 we read about His birth and learn how we become a part of his Kingdom Community.

Wise Men Seek the King (Matthew 2)

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Entrance Into the Kingdom (Matthew 3)

Entrance into the kingdom of Christ comes through repentance of sin and identification with Jesus. This is seen through the confession of sin and being baptized.

Satan Tempts the King (Matthew 4:1-11)

Satan tempts Jesus in the very same ways he tempts all people. In these temptations Jesus identifies with us and our struggle against temptation, yet he does not sin and triumphs over Satan. We learn from Jesus' example that we too can be victorious over temptation as we trust in Christ for victory.

The Ministry of the King (Matthew 4:12-25)

As followers of Christ we are to follow him in both word and deed. In this passage we get a snapshot of the ministry of the King as he teaches and then performs deeds that go along with his teaching. This is how we are to live as well - our talk and our walk are to be the same.

The King's Message (Matthew 5 - 7)

In the Sermon of the Mount Jesus tells us what it means to be a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. In his most well-known sermons we discover that citizens of the kingdom live differently than the world because their hearts have been transformed by the King.

The Power of the King (Part 1) (Matthew 8)

In the Sermon on the Mount Matthew presented the power of Jesus' words. Now, in Matthew 8 and 9, he will present Jesus' power in what He does. This all leads to the ultimate truth: Jesus has power over all.

The Power of the King (Part 2) (Matthew 9)

Matthew continues to tell us about the power of King Jesus in Matthew 9. As amazing as these pictures of Jesus' power in Matthew 8 and 9 are they all point to one awesome reality, that being: Jesus has power to save.

Sent by the King (Matthew 9:35 - 11:1)

King Jesus sends out his followers on a mission to reach people with the good news of His kingdom.

Rejection of the King (Matthew 11)

As Jesus carries out his mission and ministry it results in His rejection by the religious leaders. They do not understand who He is, but Matthew gives us several portraits of Jesus helping us know who He is.

Parables of the Kingdom, Part 1 (Matthew 13)

As Jesus shares eight different parables He is emphasizing the outworking of His kingdom and is also calling people to follow Him. 

Parables of the Kingdom, Part 2 (Matthew 13)

As Jesus shares eight different parables He is emphasizing the outworking of His kingdom and is also calling people to follow Him.

Worship the King (Matthew 13:53 - 14:36)

When it comes to Jesus there are only two responses available: unbelief, leading to rejection of Him, or belief, leading to the worship of Him.

Ministry of the King (Matthew 15)

As Matthew continues to paint his portrait of Jesus he gives us a picture of the King who teaches the truth and is a compassionate healer.

The King and Faith (Matthew 16)

We all have faith, but depending on the type of faith we have it will impact how we relate to King Jesus.

The King Reveals His Glory (Matthew 17)

Why should we follow Christ and listen to His Word? In Matthew 17 He reveals to us His true identity, and if we can grasp who Christ truly is, then it will change everything about us.

Instructions for Kingdom Living (Matthew 18)

As citizens of God's kingdom there is a certain way Christians are to live. Beginning in Matthew 18, Jesus gives instructions on how to live as a citizen of the kingdom.

Instructions for Kingdom Living (Part 2) (Matthew 19:1 - 20:16)

As Christian we tend to compartmentalize our lives; we believe we can have Jesus and the world. In Matthew 19 - 20 Jesus teaches us that this is not possible for citizens of His kingdom, especially in the areas of divorce, relationships, and materialism. 

Instructions for Kingdom Living (Part 3) (Matthew 20:20-34)

As Christians our ambition should not be to follow the ways of the world and amass power for ourselves, but our ambition should be to follow Jesus and serve others.

The Triumphal Entry of the King (Matthew 21:1-22)

From the moment Jesus was born is life has been on a course with death awaiting Him at the end. As He enters Jerusalem during Passover week, He is hailed as the Messiah. As we behold Him we should be compelled to submit our lives to Him.

Opponents of the King (Part 1) (Matthew 21:23 - 22:14)

As Jesus enters Jerusalem He will begin to confront His opponents (the religious leaders) on their lack of repentance and true worship of God. In His confrontation with them in this passage, Jesus shows that He has authority as the Son of God.

Opponents of the King (Part 2) (Matthew 22:15-46)

As Jesus returns to Jerusalem, he has a series of debates with the religious leaders concerning his identity. These debates are important as they tell us how Jesus is and call us to submit our lives to Him.

The Danger of Being Religious (Matthew 23)

In His final public sermon, Jesus confronts the danger of being religious rather than righteous. It is entirely possible to believe you are doing God's work, following God's Word, and doing God's will, yet be deceived and be condemned. 

The Return of the King (Part 1) (Matthew 24:1-36)

Jesus tells us that we must watch for His return and prepare for it. We must heed His Words because we do not know when this will occur.

The Return of the King (Part 2) (Matthew 24:36 - 25:46)

We will all meet Jesus, either upon our death or when He returns. In Matthew 24-25 Jesus tells us how we should be watchful and prepared for His return.

A Spiritual Tragedy (Matthew 26:1-16; 27:1-10)

When we consider Judas and the opportunity given to him to walk and talk with Jesus, it reminds us that it is entirely possible to get as close to Jesus as you can and still not be saved.

The Last Passover (Matthew 26:17-30)

As Jesus celebrates the Passover meal with His disciples, He institutes something new that will help them and us today remember the work of redemption He will accomplish on the cross.

The King's Trial and Execution

As Jesus goes before Pilate, He is tried and sentenced to death, having committed no wrong. Upon the cross Jesus experiences the wrath of God towards sin so that you don't have to.