
The Question of God's Love (Malachi 1:1-5)

When our experience does not match our expectation it will lead us to developing an apathetic attitude. Apathy, as it takes root, will lead you to question God's love for you. In this sermon you will hear how the Lord confronted the apathy of His people as they questioned His love for them. You will also discover the proofs God has graciously provided to them and us which proves He does love you.

A Question of Corrupt Worship - Part 1 (Malachi 1:6-14)

God takes the worship of Him very seriously and so should we. He had told us in the Bible how He is to be worshiped. If we care at all about our worship of God being acceptably to Him and blessed by Him then we must get or worship of Him right. In this sermon you will hear how Israel corrupted the worship of God and it still occurs today. You will also learn what the solution is that leads us to being able to worship God in the right way.

A Question of Corrupt Worship - Part 2 (Malachi 2:1-9)

God's people are to worship Him in the way He deserves and commands. If God's people are going to worship Him rightly, then they must have leaders who will lead them in the right worship of God. In this sermon you will learn how leaders of God's people fail or succeed in leading God's people in worship.

A Question of Unfaithfulness (Malachi 2:10-16)

God demands faithfulness from His people, this was true in the days of Malachi and it is still true for the church today. The Christian is called by God to be faithful in all areas of their life. In this sermon, you will hear about three areas in the Christian's life where God demands faithfulness and you will learn how you can be faithful in, not just those three areas, but all areas of your life.

A Question of Justice (Malachi 2:17 - 3:6)

God is a God of justice and we often want Him to deal justly with people, but do we want Him to deal justly with us personally? Often we think how God should dispense His justice but God does not dispense justice according to our thinking. In this sermon you will hear about the justice of God, which will be dispensed rightly. You will also hear about the mercy of God and how works alongside of God's justice.

A Question of Tithing (Malachi 3:6-12)

When it come to the area of giving, we often ask the question, "How much am I supposed to give?" In this sermon, you will learn what God expects from you in regards to your giving and how you can use what God has blessed you with to reach people with the gospel.

A Question of Arrogance (Malachi 3:13 - 4:6)

The world likes to divide people into various groups. However, within the Bible, there are only two kinds of people - the righteous and the unrighteous. In this sermon you will hear about the kind of person you should not be and the kind of person you should be.