
Who Is Jesus? (John 1:1-18)

Who is Jesus to you? Is he just a man who lived 2,000 years ago? Just a good teacher? Was he really God? This question, "Who is Jesus?", is extremely important for you to answer correctly. But knowing the correct answer is not enough. Having the right information about Jesus, it must lead you to surrendering your life to him. In this sermon you will hear who Jesus is and in that hearing, you will be faced with a choice; reject Jesus or receive Jesus.

John the Baptist's Testimony About Jesus (John 1:19-37)

It is vitally important to make sure that the Jesus you believe in is the true Jesus. The Jesus that is promoted by our culture is not the true Jesus. A Jesus that you construct with your own thoughts and feelings is not the true Jesus. What you believe at Jesus must be based upon what the Bible says about Him. In this sermon, as hear the testimony of John the Baptist, he will help you determine if you have believed in the true Jesus.

Our Problem and God's Solution (John 1:35-51)

Everyone born into this world, except Jesus Christ, is born in trouble with a big problem. In this sermon you will hear about the problem you have and the trouble you are in. You will also hear about God's solution to your problem and the trouble you are in. Then, coming to see your problem and trouble, and God's solution, you will be faced with a choice: accept God's solution or reject it.

Jesus, the True and Better Wine (John 2:1-12)

Everyone wants joy and it is something we will pursue with every fiber of our being. The world holds out, in front of us, all kinds of things that it says will bring us joy. However, everything the world offers us will not satisfy our longing for joy. Jesus is the only One who can give us the joy our hearts long for. In this sermon you will hear why Jesus is the only One who can truly give you joy.

The Importance of True Worship (John 2:13-25)

Do you understand how serious God is about your worship of Him? In John 2:13-25, Jesus shows us how serious worship is. Our worship of God is not to be superficial but true. In this sermon you will hear how Jesus responds to superficial worship and why it is important to be a true worshiper of God.

A Nighttime Conversation (John 3:1-21)

How do we enter into the kingdom of God? Jesus tells us it is through the new birth, but what does that mean? In this sermon you will hear what Jesus says to a man named Nicodemus about the new birth and how a person can be born again. 

Decreasing for Jesus (John 3:22-36)

How do you respond when someone receive more attention than you? How do we respond, in the church, when another Christian's ministry is growing and ours is decreasing? In this sermon you will learn how John the Baptist responded to the growing ministry of Jesus, while his own ministry was decreasing, and if will help you know how you are to respond when another Christian's ministry or service is outgrowing yours.

Reaching People with the Gospel (John 4:1-42)

All people need to hear the gospel. As Christians we have been commanded to take the gospel to everyone everywhere. In this sermon you will hear how Jesus shared the gospel with an outcast woman and people who the Jews had rejected and considered outside the kingdom of God.

Do You Have Real Faith? (John 4:43-54)

Jesus is Lord over all, even disease and suffering. In this sermon you will be reminded of the power Jesus has to heal and how that healing can be applied to your life.

Do You Wish to Get Well? (John 5:1-18)

There is a healing that we all need - forgiveness of sin. In this sermon you will hear how salvation occurs in a person's life and how you can be saved today.

An Extraordinary Claim (John 5:17-30)

In this sermon you will hear about the extraordinary claim that Jesus made, that He is equal with God. Is this true? If so, what does it mean for you? 

Witnesses to an Extraordinary Claim (John 5:31-47)

It is hard to accept the claim of an individual, especially if he is the only one making the claim. But what do we do when witnesses come forward to substantiate the claim of the individual? In this sermon you will hear from four witnesses that substantiate Jesus' claim that He is equal with God. After hearing from them, you will have to decide - do I believe or not believe?

Jesus, the Faithful One (John 6:1-15)

Jesus is the faithful One who will provide us with all that we need. While we are often weak in our faith or faithless altogether, He is faithful. So great is His faithfulness that He gives us what we ultimately need through his death, burial, and resurrection - forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation. In this sermon you will learn about Jesus, the faithful One.

When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll (John 6:16-21)

Life is full of unexpected turns - joys and sorrows, blessing and tragedies. When life takes a sorrowful turn how do we respond to those times? In this sermon you will learn how storms come upon your life and how you are to respond to them.

Responding to Jesus (John 6:22-70)

Everyone will respond to Jesus and that response usually comes in one of three ways. In this sermon you will hear about the way people respond to Jesus and you will be challenged to think about how you have responded to Jesus. There is only one appropriate response and you need to make sure that is the one you have made.

Questions About Jesus (John 7)

When Jesus began his public ministry questions surrounded Him. People wondered who He was. Still today, people have questions about Jesus. In this sermon, we will ask 6 questions which will help you better understand who Jesus is.

Dealing With Sin (John 8:1-11)

How do we deal with sin? Do we ignore it? Do we condemn it? Do we accept it? In this sermon you will hear how Jesus dealt with sin as an adulterous woman is placed before him. From Jesus' example, you will learn how you are to deal with sin in the lives of other people.

Jesus, the Light of the World (John 8:12-30)

Jesus is the Light that exposes our sin so that we might see Him for who He is, the One who can forgive our sin and save our souls. For those who have been saved by Him, you are to then reflect the light of Christ our of your life into the darkness of the world, pointing others to Jesus, the Light of the world.

A Conversation Deeper Than the Surface (John 8:31-59)

In a conversation between Jesus and the religious leaders and other Jews, He exposed the difference between those who are slaves to sin and those who have been set free from sin. In this sermon you will be challenges to consider whether you have been set free by Jesus or are a slave to sin.

Healing Spiritual Blindness (John 9:1-41)

Jesus, the living water and Light of the world, has come to heal the spiritually blind. Every person is born spiritually blind to the truth about themselves and God. Only through the work of Christ in a person's heart, can the spiritually blind be given spiritual sight. In this sermon you will hear about the danger of spiritual blindness and the cure for it.

The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18)

A shepherd understands that his primary responsibility is to protect, provide for, and care for the sheep in his flock. Jesus, as the Good Shepherd of His sheep understands this too. In this sermon you will hear about the work of the Good Shepherd and the only response that His sheep are to give to Him.

The Good Shepherd (Part 2) (John 10:19-42)

What happens to those who do not hear and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd? Why do they not hear and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd? This sermon will answer those questions and help you understand the urgency in sharing the gospel with others.

Come Forth and Live (John 11:1-53)

Only Jesus has the power to raise the dead to life and in doing so, He glorifies the Father.  In this sermon you will hear how Jesus' primary goal was to glorify His Father in everything He does. You will also hear about how Jesus still raises the dead to life today.

Responses to Jesus (John 11:55 - 12:11)

When it comes to Jesus, everyone will respond to Him. The important question is: Have you responded in the appropriate way to Him? In this sermon you will hear about the unchristian response and the Christian response to Jesus.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem (John 12:12-26)

As Jesus enters Jerusalem with his disciples, to celebrate Passover, it sets off a series of events that will ultimately end with His death on a cross. As He enters Jerusalem, we get a picture of who He is and what He has come to do. We also see how people respond to the truth of who Jesus is. In this sermon you will be challenges to consider who you believe Jesus to be.

A Discourse on Faith and Rejection (John 12:27-50)

A Jesus entered Jerusalem, He knew the week would end with His death upon the cross. In John 12:27-50 He reveals the victory His death will bring, but we also see people reject Him as Messiah. In spite of all the evidence, people still remained unbelieving and that is still true today. In this sermon, you will not only hear about the victory Jesus' death brings, but you will discover why people remain unbelieving and reject Jesus.

We Are Servants (John 13:1-30)

You are a servant. The only question is, who do you serve? Do you serve yourself or others? In this sermon you will be challenged to consider how you serve and who it reflects. 

Glorifying God with Our Love (John 13:31-35)

In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes clear that everything He does and says is to glorify God the Father. If this was the focus of Jesus' life, then for the Christian, it should be the goal of our life. In this sermon you will hear about how you can glorify God with your love for Him and for others.

Comfort in this Troubling World (Part 1) (John 14:1-14)

We all want comfort. No one enjoys trouble, but in this world we will have trouble. Our hearts will be troubled by various things. Into this trouble Jesus speaks to us to assure us that all will be okay. He assures us that through faith in Him, our hearts will be comforted. In this sermon you will hear of the promises Jesus makes to His followers, promises that will bring comfort to their troubled hearts.

Comfort in this Troubling World (Part 2) (John 14:15-31)

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Connected to the True Vine (John 15:1-11)

God's purpose for HIs people is that they be fruitful. The fruitfulness of His people is dependent upon their connection to the True Vine, Jesus. Only those who abide in Jesus and He in them will be fruitful. In this sermon you will hear about the importance of bearing fruit and what happens to those who do not bear fruit.

Christian Relationships (John 15:12 - 16:4)

We all have relationships and our experiences in those relationship will be different, this is also true for the Christian. In this sermon, you will learn what Jesus says the experiences of the Christian will be in their relationship with God, other Christians, and the world.

Unfailing Promises of Jesus (John 16:4-33)

We know what it is like to break promises. We have all been effected by a broken promise. With Jesus no promises are broken. If Jesus makes a promise we are assured that it will be delivered upon and fulfilled. In this sermon you will hear about five unfailing promises that Jesus gives to us that are all fulfilled and delivered through His work upon the cross.

The High Priestly Prayer (John 17)

In His high priestly prayer, we need to pay attention to what and who Jesus prays for. As you hear what and who Jesus prays for, it will inform you of what and who you are to pray for in your own life as a Christian.

The Darkness of Gethsemane (John 18:1-12)

As Jesus walks into the darkness of Gethsemane, He wrestles with the reality of the suffering He is about to endure. He fights through that reality and willingly walks into His suffering. In this sermon your will learn why He did that and what it says to us about our times of darkness, pain, and suffering.

A Trial and A Denial (John 18:12-27)

As Jesus willingly walks into suffering He gives us an example to follow. However, a question we often struggle with is: Why must we willingly suffer as Christians? In this sermon you will hear why Christians must willing suffer and you will hear about the temptation you will face when suffering comes upon your life.

A Trial of Innocence (John 18:20 - 19:16)

In this sermon you will hear about the trials Jesus was put through which would end in the pronouncement of His death. Throughout His trials, Jesus maintained control of all that happened, proving that He is God.

The Death of the Lamb of God (John 19:17-42)

Jesus is in control of all that happens to Him, even as He goes to die upon the cross. In this sermon you will hear about how Jesus controlled the events at the cross and His death.

The Triumphant Savior (John 20:1-31)

The two greatest events in history are the death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus. In this sermon you will hear about the resurrection of Jesus, what it tells us about Him and what it means for you.

The Keys to Christian Commitment (John 21:1-25)

When Jesus saves a person He demands total commitment from that person to serve Him. Being a totally committed Christian is what Jesus deserves from those He has saved. In this sermon you will hear the keys to Christian commitment that will encourage you to live our your faith for the glory of Jesus Christ.