What Is Evangelism?

As Christians, we are called by Christ to go into all the world proclaiming the gospel. Before we can do that, we need to understand what evangelism is. In this sermon we look at what evangelism is and why we must get it right.

What Is The Gospel?

As we evangelize we want to make sure that we are sharing the right message. In this sermon we look at the gospel message as presented to us by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1-4.

God's Part and Our Part in Evangelism

As we evangelize we must attempt to understand the aspect of God's divine sovereignty and human responsibility in evangelism and salvation. These two biblical truths - God's divine sovereignty and human responsibility - are friends that work together for the salvation of the lost. In John 6:35-40 we see Jesus referring to both of the biblical truths and their working together. While we will never fully understand how these two biblical truths go together, they are all over the pages of Scripture, so we must humble submit ourselves to them.

Fear in Evangelism

We all experience fear when it comes to sharing the gospel but we should not let fear stop us. In this sermon we address some common fears in evangelism and how to overcome them.

How Should We Evangelize

More than giving you a method, in this sermons we look at six reminders of how we should evangelize. We have been called and empowered to share the gospel, and these reminders serve to encourage us in that work.