
Standing for Righteousness in a Pagan Land (Daniel 1:1-21)

From the perspective of the Bible, Christians are considered exiles in this fallen world. Having been saved by Christ Christians are to be in the world but not of the world. As such, we need to be reminded of how to sand for righteousness in a pagan world. Daniel 1 teaches the Christian how to stand for righteousness.

Only One Eternal Kingdom (Daniel 2:1-49)

As we build our lives and our own little kingdoms, we must be aware of the truth that there is only one kingdom that will last for eternity: the kingdom of God. King Nebuchadnezzar learns about that eternal kingdom through a dream.

Only One All-Powerful God (Daniel 3:1-30)

Idolatry is the sin from which all other sins come from. Because mankind has chosen to worship something other than God our world is in a mess. Only when we worship God's way will things be right.

God Humbles the Proud (Daniel 4:1-37)

God is sovereign and rules over the kingdoms/nations of this world. No one is to elevate themselves higher than God, and when a person, a kingdom, or a nation does - great will be their fall.

The Writing on The Wall (Daniel 5:1-31)

God works to get our attention and when we ignore or reject His Word to us it leads to our ultimate doom.

Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6:1-28)

Nations rise and nations fall, this is how it has been throughout history and it has happened under the sovereign control and plan of God. The rise and fall of the nations has little to no effect on the Christian, however, because no matter what happens they are to worship God and serve Him only.

Vision of the Four Beasts (Daniel 7:1-28)

Kingdoms and nations, kings, presidents, and rulers will continue to strut across the world stage, yet none of them will overrule or overpower the Kingdom of God and King Jesus!

The Vision of the Ram, Goat and Little Horn (Daniel 8:1-27)

In this world God's people will face suffering, but deliverance is coming. Until that deliverance comes, the believer must persevere in the faith.

The Vision of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:1-27)

God has a plan to bring about our deliverance through the Messiah and it will unfold just as He desires.

The Final Vision, Part 1 (Daniel 10:1-21)

God's people can be assured of the reality of spiritual warfare around them and God's guaranteed victory over all His enemies.

The Final Vision, Part 2a (Daniel 11:1-20)

Our faith should be strengthened because God not only foretold the future but is in control of the future.

The Final Vision, Part 2b (Daniel 11:21-45)

God reigns sovereign over the greatest enemies of his people and even uses those enemies for his own purposes.

The Final Vision, Part 3 (Daniel 12:1-13)

Things in the world will continue to grow more wicked. However, for the believer, while things will be difficult, there is hope.