1 Corinthians

An Introduction to 1 Corinthians

In this introductory sermon to this series you will learn about the culture of the city of Corinth and the church of Corinth, as it was when Paul wrote this letter. You will also learn about who the letter is written to, which will challenge you to consider if you are a part of of God's church.

An Appeal for Unity (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)

As Paul begins to address the issues with the church at Corinth, he begins by calling them to unity. In this sermon you will hear about the problem within the church, to solution to the problem, and why the church today needs unity.

God's Wisdom Versus Human Wisdom (Part 1) (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

As Paul continues to address the issue of disunity within the church, he will call Christians to use godly wisdom over human wisdom. In this sermon, you will hear how human wisdom and godly wisdom are on opposite sides of one another. You will also hear how people experience godly wisdom in their life.

God's Wisdom Versus Human Wisdom (Part 2) (1 Corinthians 2:1-16)

In Part 2 of this sermon, you will how godly wisdom is revealed, received, and then proclaimed by the church today. 

Spiritual Maturity Maintains Unity (1 Corinthians 3:1-4)

The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit brings unity among the people of God (the church), but Christians are to help maintain unity within the church. One of the ways that unity is maintained within the church is when every church member is pursuing spiritual maturity. In this sermon you will hear about the immature Christians and how they can bring disunity into the church because they are not behaving as mature Christians who have the mind of Christ.

An Appropriate View of Church Leadership (1 Corinthians 3:5-23)

Division in the church in Corinth was occurring because of a wrong view of church leadership. In this sermon we look at what Paul says about church leadership and why it is important to view church leadership in the correct way.